Computer Network CH3 Transport Layer

Computer Network CH3 Transport Layer

Transport Layer: Overview


  • understanding principle of transport layer servics
    • multiplexing, demultiplexing
    • reliable data transfer
    • flow control
    • congestion control
  • learn about internet transport layer protocols
    • UDP
    • TCP
    • TCP congestion control

Transport-Layer services

Transport services and protocols

  • provide logical communication between application processes running on different hosts
  • transport protocols actions in end systems:
    • sender: application messages into segments, passes to network layer
    • receiver: reassembles segments into messages, passes to application layer
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Transport vs. network layer services and protocols

transport layer:

  • communication between processes
    • relies on, enhances, network layer services
  • process與process之間的溝通

network layer:

  • communication between hosts
  • host與host之間的溝通

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Two principal Internet transport protocols

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

  • reliable, in-order delivery
  • congestion control
  • flow control
  • connection setup

UDP: User Datagram Protocol

  • unreliable, unordered delivery
  • no-frills extension of “best-effort” IP

services not available:

  • delay guarantees
  • bandwidth guarantees

Multiplexing and demultiplexing


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How demultiplexing works

host receives IP datagrams

  • each datagram has source IP address, destination IP address
  • each datagram carries one transport-layer segment

each segment has source, destination port number

  • host uses IP addresses & port numbers to direct segment to appropriate socket

host uses IP addresses & port numbers to direct segment to appropriate socket

  • 使用IP address和port numbers
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Connectionless demultiplexing


  • when creating socket, must specify host-local port #:
    DatagramSocket mySocket1 = new DatagramSocket(12534);

when creating datagram to send into UDP socket, must specify

  • destination IP address
  • destination port #

when receiving host receives UDP segment:

  • checks destination port # in segment
  • directs UDP segment to socket with that port #

只要目標port numbers一樣,不同來源的datagrams也會被送到同樣的socket

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Connection-oriented demultiplexing

TCP socket identified by 4-tuple:

  • source IP address
  • source port number
  • dest IP address
  • dest port number

demux: receiver uses all four values (4-tuple) to direct segment to appropriate socket

server may support many simultaneous TCP sockets:

  • each socket identified by its own 4-tuple
  • each socket associated with a different connecting client
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  • 不只是看des port, 考慮整個4-tuple的內容


  • Multiplexing, demultiplexing: based on segment, datagram header field values
  • UDP: demultiplexing using destination port number (only)
  • TCP: demultiplexing using 4-tuple
    • source and destination IP addresses
    • … port numbers
  • Multiplexing/demultiplexing happen at all layers

Connectionless transport: UDP


  • “no frills,” “bare bones” Internet transport protocol
  • “best effort” service, UDP segments may be:
    • lost
    • delivered out-of-order to app
  • connectionless:
    • no handshaking between UDP sender, receiver
    • each UDP segment handled independently of others
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UDP use:

  • streaming multimedia apps (loss tolerant, rate sensitive)
  • DNS
  • SNMP
  • HTTP/3

RFC 768

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if reliable transfer needed over UDP (e.g., HTTP/3):

  • add needed reliability at application layer
  • add congestion control at application layer



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UDP segment header

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Internet checksum


  • treat contents of UDP segment (including UDP header fields and IP addresses) as sequence of 16-bit integers
  • checksum: addition (one’s complement sum) of segment content
  • checksum value put into UDP checksum field


  • compute checksum of received segment
  • check if computed checksum equals checksum field value:
    • not equal - error detected
    • equal - no error detected.
      • But maybe errors nonetheless? More later ….



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“no frills” protocol:

  • segments may be lost, delivered out of order
  • best effort service: “send and hope for the best”

UDP has its plusses:

  • no setup/handshaking needed (no RTT incurred)
  • can function when network service is compromised
  • helps with reliability (checksum)

build additional functionality on top of UDP in application layer (e.g., HTTP/3)

Principles of reliable data transfer(RDT)

Principles of reliable data transfer

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  • 網路通道不能確定是否信賴


  • 複雜度取決於使用的unreliable channel


  • 除非接收端回覆
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protocol interface


  • application layer呼叫rdt_send
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  • transport layer呼叫udt_send
    • 將packet經過unreliable的通道給receiver


  • 封包進來呼叫rdt_rcv
  • rdt_rcv呼叫deliver_data


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Reliable data transfer: getting started

  • 了解版本差異
  • 為什麼要發展下一個版本

using FSM(finite state machine)

  • 上面是event
  • 下面是action

rdt1.0: reliable transfer over a reliable channel(不考)

進行在underlying channel(正在進行的)

underlying channel perfectly reliable

  • no bit errors
  • no loss of packet

receiver wait for call from below(等待封包傳送到)

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rdt2.0: channel with bit errors

存在bit error

  • using checksum to detect bit error

如何recover error?

  • receiver 回覆
    • acknowledgements (ACKs) 接收端回覆是否收到封包
    • NAKs 接收端回覆收到了,但訊息怪怪的
      • receiver explicitly tells sender that pkt had errors
  • 如果傳送端接收到NAKs -> 重送
    • 不管是什麼問題
    • 第二次以上傳送封包
  • 上述過程稱之為stop and wait


  • 2.0的特色要加入checksum
  • sender 多一個狀態 wait for ACK or NAK

因為需要通過ACK, NAK來了解接收端的狀態

  • 故需要protocol
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has a fatal error

  • 如果ACK, NAK也是corrupt?
  • 不能就一直重傳
    • 可能造成duplicate

handling duplicate

  • sender add sequence number to each pkt
  • 收到重複就拋棄
  • 即rdt2.1

rdt2.1: sender, handling garbled ACK/NAKs

sender多傳送一個sequence number

  • 讓receiver知道這是pkt 0


  • 如果corrupt or NAK不斷重傳
  • 直到not corrupt and ACK
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  • sndpkt包含ACK和checksum(2.0也有)
  • ACK中會有sequence number
    • 回傳給sender
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  • sender
    • seq # added to pkt
    • 0, 1 is enough, if stop and wait
      • pipeline 就不行
    • 必須記錄0, 1
  • receiver
    • check if duplicate
    • can not known its last ACK/NAK received OK at sender
    • thus 2.2 created

rdt2.2: a NAK-free protocol

using ACK only

must explictly include seq # of pkt being ACKed

duplicate ACK at sender = NAKs

  • retransmit


  • sequence # 放進ACK
  • 回傳ACK, checksum

As we will see, TCP uses this approach to be NAK-free

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rdt3.0: channels with errors and loss

new channel assumption

  • lose packet(data, ACKs)
    • previous skill, but not enough
  • loss就什麼都收不到了


  • add timer
    • sender waits “reasonable” amount of time for ACK
    • retransmit if no ACK
  • if pkt just delay?(just on the way)
    • duplicate is solved by seq #
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  • 如果ACK的seq # 不對,就不做事直到timeout

In action

  • no loss
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  • packet loss
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  • ACK loss
    • after sender resent, receiver detect duplicate
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  • premature timeout/delayed ACK(太早)
    • receive ACK the same -> ignore
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  • blue part is
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using many time to sent little bit data, caused big RTT

  • is too small
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using pipeline!

sender allows multiple, “in-flight”, yet-to-be-acknowledge pkt

  • range of seq # must be increased
  • buffering at sender and/or receiver

increased utilization(看過就好)

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Go-Back-N: sender


  • sender window of up to N, consecuive transmitted but unACKed pkts
    • k-bit seq # in pkt header
    • sender base
  • cumulative ACK:一次回應多個ACK
  • timer從最早的pkt開始算
  • 如果沒收到,回到最前面的重傳
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  • 回傳ACK根據最高的seq # in order
    • only remember rcv_base
    • may duplicate ACKs
  • out-of-order pkt
    • can discard or buffer
    • re-ACK pkt with highest in-order seq #
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in action

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  • 太蠢了,因為一個loss重傳一大堆

Selective repeat

維持timer for specific pkt

  • 重傳time out的那個


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  • 多了一個expected, not yet recived
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in action

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  • 不連續的pkt會被buffer,等到補齊後一次deliver上去


  • if seq # is too close to window size
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Connection-oriented transport: TCP



  • one sender, one receiver

reliable, in-order byte steam:

  • no “message boundaries”

full duplex data:

  • bi-directional data flow in same connection
  • MSS: maximum segment size

cumulative ACKs


  • TCP congestion and flow control set window size


  • handshaking (exchange of control messages) initializes sender, receiver state before data exchange

flow controlled:

  • sender will not overwhelm receiver

TCP segment structure

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sequence numbers, ACKs

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Round trip time, timeout

estimate RTT

  • 下面那個SampleRTT應該是estimateRTT
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  • 過去的RTT影響會指數遞減
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Real timeout interval

  • 會用estimateRTT + safety margin
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TCP Sender

event: data received from application

  • create segment with seq #
  • seq # is byte-stream number of first data byte in segment
  • start timer if not already running
    • think of timer as for oldest unACKed segment
    • expiration interval: TimeOutInterval

event: timeout

  • retransmit segment that caused timeout
  • restart timer

event: ACK received

  • if ACK acknowledges previously unACKed segments
    • update what is known to be ACKed
    • start timer if there are still unACKed segments

Receiver ACK Generation

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retransmission scenarios

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  • fast
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TCP flow control

receiver 告訴sender 他已經不能再接收了

  • 希望best effort,傳送端盡量傳,交給接收端控制

network layer會一直把資料傳輸上去

  • TCP 會把資料丟給application layer
  • application layer拆資料
    • 如果拆得比傳輸得慢? 如下
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rcv window

  • 接收端使用free buffer在window的大小,告訴sender不要傳超過
  • 放在header中
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TCP connection management


  • 目的是建立連線tcp connection
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  • receiver Seq #
  • rcvBuffer size

2-way handshake:

  • 沒有發生問題都ok
  • 如果timeout
    • sender不知道acc_conn是第一個還是第二個req_conn的回覆
    • 導致half connection,如圖
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  • server以為client又開啟了一次
    • 但client只是重傳
    • 甚至造成duplicate data被accepted
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3-way handshake:

  • client送了一個TCP SYN msg
  • server回傳SYN ACK
  • client回傳ACK(for SYN ACK)
    • client知道server存活,所以這個ACK可以帶資料
  • 雙方都會初始化一個seq #
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    • 因為是ACK對方的ACKbit,所以回傳ACKnum = x+1(多1bit)
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closing TCP connection(沒什麼特別的)

  • send FIN bit = 1
  • 雙方同時關閉


但如果sever回傳的acc_conn timeout了。
sender會再次retransmit,之後sender就不知道那個acc conn是回應哪一個rec_conn,
導致half connection(no client)。

Principe of congestion control


  • too many senders: sending too fast
  • caused long delay(queueing in router buffers)
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flow control

  • one sender: sneding too fast
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delay很難解決,比起through put

scenario 1 p3.111

infinite buffer

  • 所有資料都可以暫存在router
  • 只會造成delay increasing, no loss



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scenario 2(會考) p3.112

finite buffer

  • pkt drop or timeout
    • transport layer 資料需要重傳,
    • application layer的一樣
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through put不能提升到上限(, 兩個人分配link capacity)

  • 因為檔案可能需要重傳caused by loss or timeout
  • 存在duplicate(不必要的重傳)
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sceneario 3 p3.118

4 senders
multi-hop paths

  • 經過兩顆以上的router(兩個節點中的一個邊叫做one hot)

則藍色遇到bottle neck

  • 藍色的data在該router被丟掉了
  • 藍色的 增加,但沒有增加多少
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總結 p3.120

  • un-needed duplicates是因為time out
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end-end congestion control(TCP using)

  • 不知道網路中發生甚麼
    • time out就重傳

network-assisted congestion control

  • router通知hosts
  • may indicate congestion level or explicitly set sending rate
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TCP congestion control

TCP congestion control AIMD p3.124


一次增加一個maximum seg size
逐步增加直到loss detect再降低

  • 倍數降低multiplicative decrease
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why AIMD

  • 非同步的


  • last byte sent - last byte ACKed <= congestion window
  • 超過可能發生壅塞
    • 不要超出自己的cwnd
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TCP slow start p3.127

先發一個MSS,如果沒有congestion,double cwnd

  • 初始傳輸效率低,指數增加
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when should 變成線性增加?

  • 超過ssthresh(slow start threshold)
  • ssthresh閾值
    • 設置為的cwnd
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summary(自己再看一下) p3.129

Slow start
congestion avoidance(沒事 還是可以增加cwnd)
fast recovery

  • 沒人會考數值
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Slow start

  • 根據duplicate ACK判斷網路中的發生狀況
  • 收到new ACK, 增大cwnd
  • 如果cwnd >= ssthresh
    • 進入congestion avoidance

congestion avoidance

  • 如果timeout
    • 回到slow start, 降低ssthresh
  • 如果dupACK == 3
    • 進入fast recovery
    • 重傳遺失的segment

fast recovery

  • timeout 就回到最初的起點
  • ssthresh = cwnd / 2
  • cwnd = 1
  • dupACK = 0

TCP CUBIC(沒甚麼特別的,看過就好)

congestion state

  • 會壅塞的永遠都會壅塞
  • 傳統TCP AIMD
    • 可以減半,也可以減到剩1
    • 讓sending rate上升的更快
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慢慢增加congestion window

  • 去找網路中最大的through put

如果網路中存在bottle neck

  • 就會一直存在


  • K 類似於臨界點,即

TCP and the congested “bottleneck link” p3.132


  • TCP CUBIC就是在找這一整段路最大的through put


如果存在bottleneck link

  • 增加傳出速率,不會提高through put
    • 反而RTT會變大,故藉此了解網路中是否發生壅塞

Goal: “keep the end-end pipe just full, but not fuller”

Delay-based TCP congestion control p3.134


  • 時間


  • through put

Explicit congestion notification (ECN)


  • router會修改IP header的ECN
  • 表示congestion


  • ECE
  • transport layer標記的
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Is TCP Fair?


  • same RTT
  • number of session is fixed

如果是 parallel TCP 就會比較快

Evolution of transport-layer functionality p3.141

QUIC: quic UDP internet connections(看過就好) p3.143


  • 會有兩個連續的handshake
  • 存在HOL
    • head of line blocking


  • 只有一個handshake
  • parallelism
    • no HOL blocking
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